SECUAH 2024 > Bernal-Gómez 2024
dianas | Vol 13 No 1 | marzo 2024 | e202403x008
Evaluación del riesgo de cáncer y ácidos haloacéticos en el agua de consumo en Boyacá
GIBP Medicina Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
IX Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2024.
XVIII Simposio de Dianas Terapéuticas.
18 a 22 de marzo, 2024. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España.
Palabras clave: Cáncer digestivo; ácidos haloacéticos; agua de consumo
Los ácidos haloaceticos AHA presentes en el agua de consumo representan un riesgo en salud dado su potencial carcinogénico encontrado en células In Vitro así cómo algunos modelos animales y pocos estudios epidemiológicos. Se construyó un modelo de estudio por medio de un diseño DITRAS y se identificó un riesgo crónico dependiente de la medición en 400 muestras de agua de los ácido tricloroacético, ácido dicloroacetico y la morbilidad de cáncer. Se obtuvo una medición de la fracción atribuible de cáncer para estos compuestos de un 30 por ciento de riesgo atribuible para cáncer digestivo.
Abstract. This study focuses on the assessment of the risk of exposure to Haloacetic acids (HAAs) in drinking water in Tunja, Colombia.
Introduction. One of the non-desirable side effects of disinfection in water treatment facilities is the generation of HAAs, one type of disinfection byproducts that can be obtained by processes in chlorinated water or biopharmaceutical procedures as dentistry and anesthetic routine and be associated to human liver cancer. These byproducts also have been associated with an increased carcinogenetic and toxicity risk in humans, but the lack of stronger designs studies do not favouring their associated risk. HAAs produce
Research Aim. The aim of this study is to describe the correlation between levels of HAAs and digestive cancer risk in Tunja, Colombia, and to compare the risk across 15 municipalities, considering factors such as water quality. Also explore the correlation between levels of HAAs and digestive cancer in Tunja, as well as to compare the risk across 15 municipalities, taking into account factors such as water quality and WASH strategies.
Methodology. A cross-sectional study was conducted with the support of family medicine posgraduateds, which involved investigating the WASH strategies in Tunja, particularly health science building, the correlation with experimental concentration of HAAs in water samples in treatment plants and over the city near to facilities and in the last step, the correlation with the prevalence of digestive cancer in Tunja and 14 other municipalities involved. The concentration of HAAs was measured following the protocol described in the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBP) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Additionally, a survey about drinking water habits and WASH strategies was conducted to gatherrelevantdata. Digestive cancer ris was evaluated in original study
Findings. The study found that there is a cumulative higher risk of digestive cancer due to exposure to HAAs in drinking water in Tunja. The concentration of HAAs in the drinking water samples was found to exceed the recommended levels, indicating a potential health risk.
Theoretical Importance. This study adds to the subject area by providing evidence of the correlation between HAAs exposure and digestive cancer risk in a specific region, Tunja, Colombia. It also highlights the importance of considering water quality and other factors when assessing the risk of exposure to HAAs.
Data Collection and Analysis Procedures. Water samples were collected from urban sectors in Tunja and other municipalities over eight months in 2022. The concentration of HAAs in the samples was analyzed following the EPA protocol. Additionally, data on drinking water habits and WASH survey were collected through a confirmed ethical request. The data collected were then analyzed to determine the correlation between HAAs levels, WASH quality feature and digestive cancer risk.
Conclusions. This study aimed to address What is the correlation between levels of HAAs in drinking water and digestive cancer risk in Tunja, Colombia. How does the risk of exposure to HAAs vary across 15 municipalities. The factors that contributing to the risk of exposure to HAAs. There is a cumulative higher risk of digestive cancer due to exposure to HAAs in drinking water in Tunja. The findings highlight the need for thorough review and regulation concerning the levels of HAAs in drinking water in developing countries. This study adds to the existing literature by providing evidence of the correlation between HAAs exposure and digestive cancer risk in a specific region. The methodology used, including the collection and analysis of water samples and the survey on drinking water habits, the authors should consider expanding the sample size and conducting a longitudinal study ad cohort study for more quantitative supported findings.
Cita: Bernal-Gómez BM (2024) Evaluación del riesgo de cáncer y ácidos haloacéticos en el agua de consumo en Boyacá. Actas del IX Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2024. XVIII Simposio de Dianas Terapéuticas. 18 a 22 de marzo, 2024. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España. dianas 13 (1): e202403x008. ISSN 1886-8746 (electronic) journal.dianas.e202403x008. URI
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