Archivo de la categoría: Sesión B2

dianas 7 (1) García-Pastor etal 2018 Papel de la iPGE2 en la muerte celular mediada por hipoxia en células proximales tubulares

SECUAH 2018 > García-Pastor etal 2018

dianas | Vol 7 No 1 | 2018 | e201803

Papel de la iPGE2 en la muerte celular mediada por hipoxia en células proximales tubulares


III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018.
20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España.

Cita: García-Pastor C, Benito-Martínez S, Fernández-Martínez AB, Lucio-Cazaña FJ (2018) Papel de la iPGE2 en la muerte celular mediada por hipoxia en células proximales tubulares. Actas del III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018. 20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España. Sesión. dianas 7 (1): e201803. ISSN 1886-8746 (electronic) journal.dianas.e201803. URI

Copyright: ©2018 García-Pastor C, Benito-Martínez S, Fernández-Martínez AB, Lucio-Cazaña FJ. Some rights reserved. Este es un artículo open-access distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia de Creative Commons

dianas 7 (1) Sanchez etal 2018 Role of unfolding protein response in vascular damage by BPA exposure

SECUAH 2018 > Sanchez etal 2018

dianas | Vol 7 No 1 | 2018 | e201803

Role of unfolding protein response in vascular damage by BPA exposure

III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018.
20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España.


Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic compound used in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics. It is presents in various consumer goods such as food containers, baby and water bottles, and its potential risk to human health has been well characterized. Several epidemiological studies have associated urinary and serum BPA levels in human with various types of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, heart attack and coronary and peripheral arterial disease. Chronic exposure to BPA has been shown to result in vascular remodelling, atherosclerosis, and altered blood pressure in rodents. In previous studies, we observed that BPA exposure leads to endothelial dysfunction and hypertension in mice by uncoupling eNOS activity, leading to oxidative and nytrosative stress through accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Saura et al., 2014). However, molecular mechanisms of BPA toxicity in vascular system are widely unknown. The activation of Unfolding Protein Response (UPR) signaling pathways aims to cope with the stress and plays a pro-survival role in the early stage of atherosclerosis. We propose that BPA induce apoptosis secondary to a prolonged and enhanced (UPR) activation causing tissues damage. To this aim, BPA was orally administrated to mice (150ug/ml in drinking water) for 4 months. We observe vascular remodelling in BPA treated mice comparing to controls. These damages are accompanied by lipid peroxidation, associated with stress, activation of UPR and an extended apoptosis. These results suggest that UPR signalling has an important role in BPA toxicity.

Cita: Sanchez S, Reventun P, Cuadrado I, Ramirez R, Saura M (2018) Role of unfolding protein response in vascular damage by BPA exposure. Actas del III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018. 20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España. Sesión. dianas 7 (1): e201803. ISSN 1886-8746 (electronic) journal.dianas.e201803. URI

Copyright: ©2018 Sanchez S, Reventun P, Cuadrado I, Ramirez R, Saura M. Some rights reserved. Este es un artículo open-access distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia de Creative Commons

dianas 7 (1) Reventún etal 2018 Pathological alterations of cardiac functions and morphology in mice treated with BPA.

SECUAH 2018 > Reventún etal 2018

dianas | Vol 7 No 1 | 2018 | e201803

Pathological alterations of cardiac functions and morphology in mice treated with BPA.

III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018.
20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España.


Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic compound used in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics. It is presents in various consumer goods and its potential risk to human health has been well characterized. Several epidemiological studies have associated urinary and serum BPA levels in human with various types of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, heart attack and coronary and peripheral arterial disease. However, molecular mechanisms of BPA toxicity in cardiac functions are widely unknown. To shed light on these processes we treat mice with low doses of BPA orally administrated in drinking water (150ug/ml) for four months. We found important echocardiography and electrocardiography alterations, showing a possible heart failure with diminish of ejection fraction and lost of ventricular contractility. Likewise, heart structure was affected presenting edema, hemorrhagic lesions and clot formations as well as inflammatory alterations. We propose that this process could be developed by the inadequate activation of Unfolding Protein Response as a consequence of BPA exposure and we demonstrated it by the study of the whole pathway. These results suggest an important and relevant toxic effect of BPA in heart physiology.

Cita: Reventún P, Sánchez S, Cuadrado I, Ramirez R, Saura M (2018) Pathological alterations of cardiac functions and morphology in mice treated with BPA. Actas del III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2018. 20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España. Sesión. dianas 7 (1): e201803. ISSN 1886-8746 (electronic) journal.dianas.e201803. URI

Copyright: ©2018 Reventún P, Sánchez S, Cuadrado I, Ramirez R, Saura M. Some rights reserved. Este es un artículo open-access distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia de Creative Commons

dianas 7 (1) Moreno-Gómez-Toledano etal 2018 Efecto del Bisfenol-A (BFA) en podocitos humanos: primeras aproximaciones.

SECUAH 2018 > Moreno-Gómez-Toledano etal 2018

dianas | Vol 7 No 1 | marzo 2018 | e201803

Efecto del Bisfenol-A (BFA) en podocitos humanos: primeras aproximaciones.

Universidad de Alcalá

III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2017.
20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España.

Cita: Moreno-Gómez-Toledano R, González-Martínez C, Bosch RJ (2018) Efecto del Bisfenol-A (BFA) en podocitos humanos: primeras aproximaciones. Actas del III Congreso de Señalización Celular, SECUAH 2017. 20-22 de marzo, 2018. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. España. Sesión. dianas 7 (1): e201803. ISSN 1886-8746 (electronic) journal.dianas.e201803. URI

Copyright: ©2018 Moreno-Gómez-Toledano R, González-Martínez C, Bosch RJ. Some rights reserved. Este es un artículo open-access distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia de Creative Commons